Friday, May 4, 2012

small victory against negative thoughts

Today was busy at work and had to spend quality time chained to my desk. Needless to say I didn't get a lot of walking in most of the day. As I was leaving for the daylight I took a long walk around the buildings,but still I was only around 7,000. I told myself it was ok,cause I could take my dog for a walk when I got home. Problem was by the time I got home...

My head hurt,my foot hurt,I was tired, it was too hot my plan was changing to curl up on the couch...

BUT...I changed my clothes,put on my sneakers, grabbed the Millie dog any headed out before I could change my mind...

It wasn't pretty, i was sweating up a storm i'm sure my face was bright read but i added almost 3,000 steps. Whoohoo!

So the moral of the story is don't let that negative Nellie that lives in your head to win.


  1. Woo Hoo! Great that you got your arse back out there for a walk!

  2. Thanks guys. To keep it going as soon as I got up this morning took Millie for another 3,344 step walk :)
