Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ten Things Thursday

  1. I had a great day yesterday.  
  2. Started volunteering at an elementary school through the Read Up program.  The goal of the program is to help kids who are having trouble reading, they are usually a grade or two behind in their reading scores.  I'm there for about an hour, split between two kids. They read aloud and we help them with words they don't understand and reading comprehension.   Yesterday was the first day, and of course I was nervous, but I didn't let that stop me.  I'm so glad I'm going to be doing this.
  3. I actually made it to the Lap Band support group.  It was nice to check in with them, since I haven't been able to go since June.  Although I'm bummed because they might be cancelling it because so few people come it it.  I wasn't able to stay too long, but I did get to talk to someone who's going to be banded later this month.  I wish I had more time to talk to her.  I did give her my blog, so maybe she'll pop in here.
  4. I went to Derby class.  It was awesome!!!! My legs were very shaky to start, but got a lot better as the night went on.  I didn't fall, except when I was supposed to, and I was able get get back up on my skates by myself.  MAJOR accomplishment for me.  First time there was no way I could do this.
  5. Still haven't finalized my derby name yet, really need to do that.  I'm down to two and can't choose.  The first is something my mom called me growing up.  A loooong time ago there was a famous actress named Sarah Burnheart.  She was known for her melodramatic style.  I was quite the drama queen growing up, so my called me little Sarah Heartburn ;) My second choice it Polly Eurinsane.  A friend thought that up for me.  I like it, but I'm torn.  I'm leaning toward Sarah Heartburn, but most people wouldn't get it.
  6. I'me so sore from class last night, but in such a good way!  
  7. I'm headed to exercise class tonight, so I know I'll be even more sore tomorrow.
  8. I drank a Diet Pepsi for the first time in 5 months.  I was so tired, and had all day meeting so I needed a quick caffeine fix.  Funny thing is that it didn't even taste good to me.  I drank it really slow and actually didn't even finish it.  Don't think I'll have another anytime soon.
  9. I'm headed back to my mom's tomorrow.  Yes I was just there two weeks ago, but my Aunts/Uncles are throwing her a birthday party this weekend (even though her bday isn't until December).  No one wanted to travel to upstate NY in Dec, go figure.
  10. I told my mom I wasn't going to come since I just flew home.  I can't wait to see her reaction.  It will be great to see my family.  Aunts and Uncles spread out over the country, so I haven't seen all of them together in years.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome on the derby!! I vote for Polly Eurinsane! :) I get the heart tug for Sarah Heartburn.... but I like Polly Eurinsane better. ;)
